Beiro 7 Kiln

Partially excavated by Manuel Sotomayor Muro and currently undergoing further excavation

Beiro 7 Kiln during its excavation (Photography: Manuel Sotomayor)

Model made by Elena H. Sánchez López and Alexis Maldonado Ruiz

A kiln with a quadrangular ground plan that is much larger than the other Roman-period firing structures documented in Cartuja.

It preserves part of the grid that was originally supported by eight parallel transversal walls in which there was a large arch with a span of almost two metres forming a central gallery.

The structure is bordered on the outside by opus mixtum walls of laterite material and river pebbles; the interior was lined with adobe bricks that during the excavation were found to have fallen onto the grid.


SERRANO RAMOS, E. (1974): La cerámica romana de los Hornos de Cartuja. Tesis Doctoral Inédita, Universidad de Granada

SOTOMAYOR MURO, M. (1970): “Siete hornos de cerámica romana en Granada con producción de sigillata”, en XI Congreso Nacional de Arqueología (Mérida, 1968), pp. 713-728.